Session 1.1 The Infrasound network (ISNet): Background, design details, and display capability as a 88D adjunct tornado detection tool

Monday, 4 October 2004: 10:30 AM
Alfred J. Bedard Jr., NOAA/ETL, Boulder, CO; and B. W. Bartram, A. N. Keane, D. C. Welsh, and R. T. Nishiyama

Presentation PDF (1.7 MB)

Results from a series of field experiments indicated that detection of infrasound from tornadic storms might have potential for tornado detection and warning. A demonstration infrasonic network was designed and deployed during the spring and summer of 2003. The system capabilities and design elements are reviewed, as well as a new “eddy fence” that permits detection of low-level infrasonic signals in the presence of high winds. A critical need was to present the acoustic data in essentially real time in forms readily interpreted and compared with radar data. The web displays developed will be described using data obtained during the 2003 demonstration project.
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