3.3 Providing a tactical thunderstorm product to FAA air traffic managers

Monday, 4 October 2004: 5:00 PM
Dennis M. Rodgers, NOAA Research - FSL, Boulder, CO; and Y. S. Chun, J. T. Frimel, L. Gifford, G. Pratt, and T. Amis

Responding to FAA requirements, an automated 0-2 h thunderstorm product, called the Tactical Convective Hazard Product (TCHP), has been created for air traffic managers. The TCHP combines the automated output of the National Convective Weather Forecast (NCWF), graphical presentations of the Convective SIGMET, Collaborative Convective Forecast Product (CCFP) graphics, and an experimental display of thunderstorm-impacted jet routes. This new graphical presentation is made available to FAA air traffic managers via a password-protected website for evaluation and feedback. The Traffic Management Unit (TMU) staff at the Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Center were trained on the content and presentation of the TCHP and asked to view the product during convective episodes. Each TMU traffic manager will be asked to respond to a questionnaire seeking feedback on the content, presentation, and utility of the TCHP applied to tactical air traffic decision-making.

The TCHP will be described, and results of a preliminary evaluation conducted during 2003 will be discussed at the conference. TMU specialists generally agreed that the graphical presentation is useful; however, issues were raised regarding the quality control and dependability of the automated product during last year's evaluation. An improved NCWF and other enhancements and improvements to the TCHP address user requirements and suggestions identified in the 2003 evaluation.

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