4.7 Structure and evolution of an intense squall line with trailing stratiform precipitation

Tuesday, 5 October 2004: 9:45 AM
Justin T. Walters, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and K. Knupp

On 26 June 2003, during the BAMEX field experiment, an asymmetric linear MCS developed in eastern Missouri and Iowa and moved into western Illinois. Storm reports showed a line of wind damage associated with this system beginning in west-central Illinois and ending in central Illinois near the deployment location of the Mobile Integrated Profiling System (MIPS). This MCS was one of the few squall lines with trailing stratiform rain observed by the ground based observing systems during BAMEX. The evolution of the severe portion of this storm was observed by both the NOAA and NRL P-3s. This paper will detail the evolution and decay of this severe squall line, and the environment within which the squall line decayed, using instruments from the MIPS, including a 915 MHz wind profiler, a laser ceilometer, a 12 channel profiling radiometer, standard surface observations and a collocated disdrometer. The disdrometer observations will permit calibration of the profiler, which, in turn, will allow DSD retrievals to be performed on the profiler Doppler spectra. We will then endeavor to characterize the relationship between the DSD and the mesoscale and convective scale downdrafts. Furthermore, WSR-88D data from KILX will be used in conjunction with P3 data to identify and characterize mesoscale features associated with the damaging winds.
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