Session 4.7 Generation of Turbulence and Wind Shear Alerts: Anatomy of a Warning System

Tuesday, 5 October 2004: 9:30 AM
Corinne S. Morse, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and S. G. Carson, D. Albo, S. Mueller, S. Gerding, and R. K. Goodrich

Presentation PDF (260.7 kB)

The Juneau terrain-induced turbulence and wind shear program was undertaken by the FAA and NCAR to research and develop a warning system that can alert

pilots of hazardous turbulence and windshear conditions in Juneau. Central to this system is the method of diagnosing these hazards. This diagnosis is made

using predetermined regression-based correlations of realtime in situ measurements from anemometers and wind profilers located around Juneau. The correlations were established through aircraft turbulence and windshear measurements made during three field projects. This presentation will describe the system development process of establishing regression results and the realtime process of diagnosing hazard levels.

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