13th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation
13th Conference on Cloud Physics


Using Doppler spectra to separate hydrometeor populations and analyze ice precipitation in multilayered mixed-phase clouds

Mahlon Rambukkange, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA; and J. Verlinde

Multimodality of Doppler spectra is used to partition cloud phases and to separate distinct ice populations in the radar volume, thereby facilitating analysis of individual ice showers in multilayered mixed-phase clouds. A 35-GHz cloud radar located at Barrow, Alaska, during the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment, collected the Doppler spectra. Data from a pair of collocated depolarization lidars confirmed the presence of two liquid cloud layers reported in this study. Surprisingly, both of these cloud layers were embedded in ice precipitation yet maintained their liquid. Our spectral separation of the ice precipitation yielded two distinct ice populations: ice initiated within the two liquid cloud layers and ice precipitation formed in higher cloud layers. The comparison of ice fall velocity versus radar reflectivity relationships derived for distinct showers reveal that a single relationship might not properly represent the ice showers during this period.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (836K)

Joint Poster Session 1, Cloud Remote Sensing Posters
Monday, 28 June 2010, 5:30 PM-8:30 PM, Exhibit Hall

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