13th Conference on Cloud Physics

Session 2

 Cloud Model Development
 Chairs: Matthew S. Gilmore, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND ; Hugh Morrison, NCAR, Boulder, CO
11:00 AM2.1Quantifying the benefits of microphysical complexity in an idealised one dimensional framework using the Factorial Method  extended abstract wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Christopher Dearden, University of Manchester, Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom; and P. Connolly and P. R. Field
11:15 AM2.2Cloud processing of internal mixed aerosol: A numerical study using a bin aerosol-microphysics scheme coupled with WRF  extended abstract wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Lulin Xue, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and I. Geresdi and R. Rasmussen
11:30 AM2.3A novel, multiple liquid and ice hydrometeor species, hybrid-bulk/bin, three-moment microphysics parameterization scheme  extended abstract wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Jerry M. Straka, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK ; and M. S. Gilmore
11:45 AM2.4Sedimentation in bulk microphysics schemes—considering alternatives to the standard two-moment approach   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Jason A. Milbrandt, EC, Dorval, QC, Canada; and R. McTaggart-Cowan
12:00 PM2.5Evaluation and Improvement of a statistical Cloud Parametrization in ECHAM Using Ground-based Remote Sensing Observations   wrf recordingRecorded presentation
Verena Grützun, Max Plack Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany; and J. Quaas and F. Ament

Monday, 28 June 2010: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Cascade Ballroom

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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