Poster Session P2.85 Heavy Precipitation in Eastern Carpathian and Microphysical Mechanisms of their Formation

Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Exhibit Hall (DoubleTree by Hilton Portland)
Ganna Pirnach, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine; and T. Belyi, V. Shpyg, and S. Dudar

Handout (2.2 MB)

Microphysical conditions of the heavy precipitation formation over mountain and plain reliefs of Ukraine have been subjected in this paper. 3-D time-depend numerical models for complex relief have been developed in Ukrainian Hydrometeorology Institute and have been used in numerical experiments for investigation of stratiform and convective cloud systems. Heavy precipitation that caused dangerous flood in Eastern Carpathian region were subjected for modeling of frontal cloud system for flat and complex reliefs. Series of numerical experiments have been carried out for estimating of probability to getting of heavy precipitation that caused dangerous flood in mountains and nearest regions. Key microphysical parameters have been determined, which resulted in formation of catastrophic atmospheric precipitations. Numerical investigation has been conducted of conditions of atmospheric precipitations formation above Ukraine during synoptic period from 21 to 27 of July 2008 while strong floods in the Eastern Carpathians in detail. Series of numerical experiments have been carried out with different relationships between ice particles and drops. Relationships varied by including or excluding from calculations of different mechanism of cloud and precipitation formation.
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