P2.93 Investigating the effects of air-mass history on cloud-aerosol interactions in different cloud regimes using AHSRL, CALIPSO, and trajectory cluster analysis

Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Exhibit Hall (DoubleTree by Hilton Portland)
Richard D. Hildner, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI; and G. J. Tripoli and E. W. Eloranta

When using trajectory cluster analysis to classify modes of entry of air-masses over the in-situ Arctic High Spectral Resolution Lidar, a difference is observed in how these clusters of back-trajectories are statistically related to lidar observables such as aerosol backscatter or circular depolarization depending on the height at which the back-trajectories are initiated at. Possible mechanisms for this discrepancy are considered, namely this could be evidence for the effects of aerosol origin on ice and mixed-phased cloud nucleation and how this effects different cloud types. Specific observations of cloud nucleation by AHSRL and CALIPSO will also be illustrated.
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