87 Entrainment in laboratory analogues of cumulus and stratocumulus clouds tops

Monday, 7 July 2014
Anna Gorska, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; and S. P. Malinowski, S. Ł. Błoński, J. Fugal, P. Korczyk, T. A. Kowalewski, and W. Kumala
Manuscript (3.7 MB)

Handout (17.8 MB)

We investigate entrainment at the top of cumulus and stratocumulus clouds in a laboratory cloud chamber. We use ultrasonic droplet generators to fill a bottom of the chamber with a layer of cloudy air of a depth of ~50 cm. Mixing of saturated moist air (T~22oC) with dry air from above (T~22oC, RH~35%) results in evaporative cooling which triggers downward convection. In effect, we obtain a temperature inversion capping a well mixed cloud layer below. In these conditions, we force an updraft in the central part of the chamber. A strong updraft penetrating the inversion serves as an analog of an overshooting cumulus cloud, while a weak updraft, diverging below the inversion mimics stratocumulus. The Particle Image Velocimetry technique, where cloud droplets serve as tracers, allows us to retrieve 2D velocity fields in a plane cut through a region of interest. We present the differences in the flow patterns at the top of cumulus and stratocumulus resulting in differences in entraining structures - in particular in sizes and rotations of entraining eddies. We calculate entrainment rates and characterize turbulence in both cases.
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