15th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology

Session 12

 In-flight Icing
 Cochairs: Marcia K. Politovich, NCAR, Boulder, CO; David J. Pace, FAA, Washington, DC
9:00 AM12.1Evaluation of ensemble icing probability forecasts in the NCEP SREF and VSREF systems  
Binbin Zhou, IMSG at EMC/NCEP/NWS/NOAA, Camp Springs, MD; and G. DiMego and R. Sallee
9:15 AM12.2“Severe Icing: Urgent PIREP!” Severe Icing Across the United States from 2002-2010: Relationship to icing type, terrain, altitude, aircraft type, and climate  
Elizabeth Austin, WeatherExtreme Ltd., Fallbrook, CA; and P. B. Williams, S. N. Goates, and A. Austin
9:30 AM12.3The FAA's In-flight Icing Research Program: Status and Future  
Imani Jeffries, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC; and S. Walden
9:45 AM12.4Icing Beyond Plain Vanilla  
Marcia K. Politovich, NCAR, Boulder, CO

Thursday, 4 August 2011: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM, Imperial Suite ABC

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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