14th Conference on Middle Atmosphere


Statistical Characteristics of Mutiple Tropopause over the Eastern Asia Based on Operational Radiosonde Data

Jianchun Bian, LAGEO, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Beijing, China

Based on the tropopause data from the operational radiosonde for the period January 2000-December 2004 over eastern Asia, the occurrence distribution of multiple tropopause and its seasonal variation were analyzed, and its relation to the subtropical jet was also given. The results show that in winter the occurrence of double tropopause is over 50% in the nearby of 35N in eastern Asia, and even over 70% in Japan, and the maximum line is located about 2 degrees to the northward of the subtropical jet; in summer, however, the occurence is much lower (bout 30%) at higher latitudes (45N).

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Session 2, Chemistry and Dynamics of the Extratropical UTLS
Monday, 20 August 2007, 1:50 PM-5:25 PM, Multnomah

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