Joint Session J3A.2 Multiresolution Reynolds stress analysis of urban canyon turbulence

Tuesday, 3 August 2010: 9:15 AM
Red Cloud Peak (Keystone Resort)
Cheryl L. Klipp, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD

Presentation PDF (161.9 kB)

Turbulence near a solid surface is anisotropic, since motion perpendicular to the surface is limited by the surface. Motion at different spatial scales is impacted by the surface to differing degrees. As a consequence, the fundamental variances and directions for the turbulence vary not only with location within the canyon, but also with the scale of the motion being considered. Better modeling of urban turbulent dispersion will require better characterization of the anisotropy, directions of greatest and least variance, and which spatial scales are likely to have greatest influence.

Using data from JU2003, the results of a multiresolution analysis will be used to analyze the degree of anisotropy as well as the fundamental dispersion directions for a wide range of scales and how they differ from one location to another for various sites in the Park Avenue canyon.

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