J4.1 Impacts of Air Quality on Asthma Outcomes across Senegal

Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 1:30 PM
North 228AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Maggie Li, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; and G. S. Jenkins

Air quality has been viewed as an important factor determining respiratory health and mortality, particularly for individuals aged 0-5. High levels of exposure to particulate matter has been shown to contribute to the volume of respiratory condition and disease cases, such as asthma, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A strong positive relationship between poor air quality and infant mortality has been documented throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting vulnerability at the prenatal and early developmental stages of life. In Senegal, heightened levels of particulate matter brought by dust storms originating from the neighboring Saharan desert are generally considered to be an environmental health hazard. However, the scope and amount of studies done in West Africa has been limited thus far, due in part to lack of available and reliable data. For this presentation, health data collected from the Senegalese Ministry of Health and air quality data collected from ground measurement sites in Dakar, the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Aerosol Product (OMAERO) satellite, and the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model are examined in Senegal during all months of 2015-2016. This study investigates: (1) relationships between the simulated WRF monthly PM10/PM2.5 exposure amounts, measured by days per month where the metrics are higher than 255µg/m³ and 55µg/m³ respectively, and reported monthly asthma cases across the 14 administrative districts of Senegal; (2) any spatial and seasonal variation in exposure amounts and asthma outcomes between these districts; (3) any significant variation of disease outcomes between children aged 0-5 and individuals over 5. Preliminary results from analyzing satellite and model air quality data reflect consistently poor air quality over time in the northern districts of Matam and Saint Louis. We predict that these incidences will correspond to high volumes of reported asthma cases, particularly for younger demographic groups.
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