1.3 Satellites in the K12 Classroom: Looking at the Earth from Above

Monday, 7 January 2019: 12:00 AM
North 229AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Vicky Gorman, Citizen Science Education Program, Medford, NJ

Use of earth-viewing satellites and satellite imagery is increasing in the K12 classroom. It is an important part of understanding the Earth’s processes. However, educators still have a need to learn how best to introduce remote sensing and image analysis to their students. This lesson will address the issue of image resolution in an easily accessible and meaningful way. Participants will walk away with a list of resources to be used when creating lessons or accessing data, and several base lesson plans that could be used within a larger “Satellites 101” unit. Although most applicable to middle school, the lessons can easily be adapted to elementary and high school.
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