S128 Influence of Extreme Weather Disasters on Maize across the Globe during the last several decades

Sunday, 6 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Benjamin Colin Pascal, NOAA, Mount Vernon, NY; and E. Najafi and I. Pal

The population of the world is increasing and this in turn causes an increased demand of food to serve the populous. The climatic conditions such as extreme heat, floods and climate change in addition are making it more difficult to come up with a solution that addresses the problem. The goal is to show the association between reported extreme weather disasters and maize yield throughout the last decades. It is relevant to understand the effect of climate on crops since climate is directly linked to crop production. Using a statistical method called superposed epoch analysis; we estimated average national per-disaster maize production losses from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), across the globe due to reported floods and extreme temperature disasters. These results may help to guide the agricultural sector in the right direction in preparing and adapting for disasters so that risk can be reduced.
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