15B.5 An update on CIRA's Proving Ground efforts as we approach the launch of GOES-R

Friday, 3 July 2015: 9:00 AM
Salon A-5 (Hilton Chicago)
Edward J. Szoke, CIRA/Colorado State Univ. and NOAA/Global Systems Division, Boulder, CO; and D. Bikos, R. Brummer, H. Gosden, D. T. Lindsey, D. A. Molenar, D. W. Hillger, S. D. Miller, and C. J. Seaman

CIRA (Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere) has been an active participant in the GOES-R Proving Ground since 2008, and more recently in the JPSS Proving Ground as well. The goal of the Proving Grounds is to prepare operational forecasters for the many new products that will be available when the first of the GOES-R satellites is launched in early 2016 (currently scheduled for March of 2016), and from the JPSS (Joint Polar Satellite System) satellites (one of which has already been launched, the Suomi NPP). The Proving Ground also gives forecasters the chance to provide feedback on these new products before they become operational, and by doing so impact the very products that they will use in the future. This includes providing feedback and input on training that will be needed for the operational community.

This presentation will concentrate on efforts within the GOES-R Proving Ground, since the launch is fast approaching. GOES-R represents a huge step forward in available satellite bands as well as time and space resolution of the imagery compared to the current GOES. Sixteen bands will be available from GOES-R, compared to the five that are on the current GOES. Some of the new bands will be directly applicable to forecasters, such as two additional water vapor bands. But a big impact will come from the multitude of potentially useful products that can be derived from differences and combinations of bands. The Proving Ground seeks to demonstrate the different bands and potential products through a variety of means. CIRA uses a combination of existing GOES, bands from various Polar orbiting satellites (such as the Suomi NPP JPSS satellite, which has the bands that will be available at GOES-R and at high resolution, though of course at reduced temporal resolution), and synthetic imagery generated from high-resolution numerical models.

CIRA works with the National Centers and over 35 NWS WFOs to demonstrate Proving Ground products. We work most closely with neighboring WFOs in Cheyenne and Boulder, where products have been demonstrated since 2008. CIRA is involved in a wide range of products and continues to develop new products that can be useful now to operational forecast operations, as well as to demonstrate the capabilities of GOES-R. Emphasis will be placed on highlights over the last year but also some of the overall issues that have arisen during our years of Proving Ground activities, including challenges with evaluation and demonstration of products. We are in the final year of pre-launch Proving Ground activities, and emphasis is shifting to include the context of the training that forecasters will need in order to best utilize all the new information. An update on these training aspects will be included in the presentation.

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