13D.2 Multi-scale waves in an MJO background and CMT feedback

Thursday, 19 April 2012: 1:45 PM
Masters E (Sawgrass Marriott)
Boualem Khouider, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada; and Y. Han Jr., A. J. Majda, and S. N. Stechmann

We use linear analysis for a simple model to study the evolution of convectively-coupled waves (CCWs) in a background shear and background moisture mimicking the observed structure of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO). This is motivated by the observation, in an idealized setting, of intra-seasonal two-way interactions between CCWs and a background wind. It is found here that profiles with a bottom heavy moisture content are more favorable to the development of mesoscale/squall line-like waves while synoptic scale CCWs are typically more sensitive to the shear strength. The MJO envelope is thus divided into three regions, in terms of the types of CCWs that are favored. An onset region in front that is favorable to Kelvin waves, a mature or active region in the middle in which squall lines are prominent, and the stratiform and decay phase region in the back that is favorable to westward inertia-gravity (WIG) waves. A plausible convective momentum transport (CMT) feedback is then provided according to the results of the idealized two-way interaction model. The active region, in particular, coincides with the westerly-wind-burst where both Kelvin and squall-lines are believed to play a significant role in, both, the deceleration of low/high-level easterly/westerly winds and the acceleration of low/high-level westerly/easterly winds. The WIG waves in the wake could be a precursor for a subsequent MJO event through the acceleration of low/high-level easterly/westerly winds, which in turn favor Kelvin waves and the cycle repeats. These results open interesting directions for future studies using observations and/or detailed numerical simulations using the full primitive equation.
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