P2.38 Evolution of mass transport between the eye and eyewall of Hurricane Guillermo (1997)

Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Heritage Ballroom (Sawgrass Marriott)
Matthew D. Eastin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC; and P. Reasor

Several theoretical, numerical, and observational studies have suggested that coherent mesovortices along the eye-eyewall interface can play a significant role in modulating the azimuthal distribution of eyewall convection as well as overall hurricane intensity. In particular, enhanced ascent can occur in those regions where mesovortex-induced outflow converges with the low-level inflow. Furthermore, the export of any high entropy air from the low-level eye into the (relatively) low entropy eyewall can generate transient, buoyant, convective-scale updrafts. Some recent studies have argued that such entropy injections can produce “super-intense” systems (in terms of their steady-state maximum potential intensity). In contrast, other studies have argued that such injections play a minimal role in determining the maximum intensity.

Using an extensive dataset consisting of 20 unique dual-Doppler wind analyses from Hurricane Guillermo (1997), we attempt to elucidate the extent, evolution, and impact of mesovortex-induced mass transport between the low-level eye and eyewall during (a) an initial period of rapid intensification and (b) a second steady-state period near maximum intensity. The mass transport between the eye and eyewall is documented through a census of forward (backward) air parcel trajectories initialized in the low-level eye (mid-level eyewall) during each Doppler analysis. A synopsis of our results and their comparison with previous numerical studies will be presented at the conference.

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