Session 2A.6 Observation of Hurricane Georges with a VHF wind profiler and The San Juan NexRad radar over Puerto Rico

Thursday, 19 July 2001: 4:43 PM
Edwin F. Campos, Instituto Meteorologico Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica; and M. Petitdidier and C. Ulbrich

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During the passage of Hurricane Georges above Puerto Rico, the VHF wind profiler was running at the Observatory of Arecibo. It was the first results obtained with a such a wind profiler at the observatory. The performance of this radar permits to observe mainly from an altitude of 6km up to 14km, especially to provide observations at the top of and above the hurricane. These results will be combined with the observations obtained with the NexRad radar located in the South East of the island.With the NexRad data, 3D wind-field and reflectivity will be retrieved using the analytical procedure, Mandop. All the data will be combined to provide the evolution of the hurricane.
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