2B.8 Comparison of aircraft cloud microphysics observations with particle classifications from polarimetric radar

Thursday, 19 July 2001: 5:45 PM
Paul L. Smith, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD; and D. S. Gonguez and D. V. Kliche

This paper begins with an attempt to reconcile the various hydrometeor descriptions used by cloud physicists with the categories that are identified by classifiers based on polarimetric radar observations. Then examples of collocated S-Pol radar observations and aircraft microphysics observations are analyzed. The P-3 microphysics data from MAP IOP-14 and the T-28 microphysics data from the STEPS case of 29 June 2000 form the basis for comparison with the S-Pol particle classifications. The paper focuses on mixed-phase situations with an effort to identify the dominant hydrometeor types in the microphysics data (which may differ from the types governing the radar particle classification).
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