Session 12B.5 Range ambiguity mitigation for NEXRAD using SZ phase coding

Tuesday, 24 July 2001: 9:45 AM
Charles L. Frush, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. J. Doviak

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The WSR-88D (NEXRAD) radar loses valuable data due to overlaid or second trip echo contamination. The system cannot currently separate these overlaid echoes unless the echo power from the stronger trip exceeds that of the lower power echo by at least 5 dB. Using a transmit pulse phase sequence (developed by NSSL) that is phase coded with a compact, symmetrical, decorrelating code, we have collected and processed several cases of Archive 1 (I/Q) time series data to validate the technique. This data has been acquired from both the KOUN NEXRAD test bed radar in Norman and from the NCAR S-Pol research radar. Validation tests and performance statistics will be demonstrated. We expect this range ambiguity mitigation technique to be tested in real time on both S-Pol and KOUN prior to its operational deployment on the entire NEXRAD system, after the WSR-88D Open RDA becomes available.

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