31st International Conference on Radar Meteorology


Evolution of the coastal windfield during the landfall of Hurricane Floyd (1999) from airborne Doppler radar


Peter P. Dodge, NOAA/AOML Hurricane Research Division, Miami, FL; and F. D. Marks and J. F. Gamache

On 15 September, 1999, as part of the Hurricanes at Landfall component of the US Weather Research Program, the Hurricane Research Division of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conducted two single-plane experiments in Hurricane Floyd with P-3 aircraft from NOAA's Aircraft Operations Center. The flights patterns were designed to survey the vortex and it's environment as it made landfall on the North Carolina coast. Each aircraft executed several passes along the coast and GPS sondes were dropped to the sample onshore and ofshore flow regimes. We have Doppler data collected along the coast for ~7 h, and we will describe the wind field evolution from several radar analyses. We will present the pseudo dual-Doppler reflectivity and wind fields, and relevant GPS sonde data to evaluate changes in the winds as the hurricane crossed the coast, with an emphasis on contrasting onshore and offshore flow regimes.

Session 14B, Tropical Cyclone
Tuesday, 12 August 2003, 11:00 AM-11:58 AM

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