7th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography

Session 3

 The Southern Hemisphere oceans and air-sea interactions I
10:30 AM3.1Ten years of high-resolution sea surface temperatures – what have we learned?  extended abstract
Michael J. Uddstrom, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand
10:45 AM3.2Large scale pressure coupling between the atmospheric planetary boundary layer and the Southern Ocean  extended abstract
John A. T. Bye, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic., Australia
11:00 AM3.3A summary of physical oceanography around New Zealand  extended abstract
Philip J. H. Sutton, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand; and S. M. Chiswell, M. M. Bowen, and M. J. M. Williams
11:15 AM3.4Towards an oceanographic climatology of the Aotearoa – New Zealand region  extended abstract
C. Matthew Walkington, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand; and P. H. Sutton and M. Bowen
11:30 AM3.5Air-sea interaction in Wellington Harbour: the effects of wind forcing on turbulent mixing and stratification  
Craig L Stevens, NIWA, Wellington, New Zealand; and M. J. Smith, B. Ward, C. J. Lemckert, and J. A. McGregor
11:45 AM3.6Actinoform Clouds of the South Pacific: self-organization in the marine boundary layer  extended abstract
Roger Davies, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and M. J. Garay
12:00 PMLunch Break  
1:30 PMPlenary Talk  
2:00 PM3.9Investigating the role of air-sea coupling on the Madden Julian Oscillation  extended abstract
Andrew Marshall, Monash University, Clayton, Vic., Australia; and O. Alves, H. Hendon, and D. J. Karoly
2:15 PM3.10Concentrations of anthropogenic carbon in the Indian Ocean inferred from WOCE CFC12 data using transit time distributions  
Timothy M. Hall, NASA/GISS, New York, NY; and D. W. Waugh, T. W. N. Haine, and P. Robbins
2:30 PM3.11An outline of the role of eddies in the New Zealand Subantarctic  
Michael Williams, NIWA, Wellington, New Zealand
2:45 PM3.12The dynamics of ENSO in a CGCM: Preliminary Results  extended abstract
Lynette Bettio, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; and K. Walsh and S. Power

Monday, 24 March 2003: 10:30 AM-3:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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