87th AMS Annual Meeting

Wednesday, 17 January 2007: 4:30 PM
Variations in the daily cycle along the Gulf of California during NAME 2004
214B (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Leslie M. Hartten, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado and NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Boulder, CO; and L. M. Rodriguez-Manzanet, P. Zuidema, and R. H. Johnson
Precipitation in the summertime North American Monsoon (NAM) has a strong diurnal signal which is not well-forecast. It is likely that the daily cycle of precipitation over the western Sierra Madres is both altered by and reflected in the daily cycle of winds along the Gulf of California (GoC). During the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) 2004 field campaign, four wind profilers were deployed along the east coast of the GoC, from Puerto Peñasco at the northern end to Estacíon Obispo in the south; a fifth was deployed on the R/V Altair in the mouth of the GoC. The high-resolution profiler and ceilometer data collected are used to document longitudinal differences in the daily cycle along the GoC, as well as variations in time. The results may be compared with the daily cycle of precipitation over the region.

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