24th Conference on IIPS


NWS Inter-Regional Integrated Services (IRIS) Database

Craig Schmidt, NOAA/NWS, Salt Lake City, UT; and P. Flatt, E. Lenning, M. Seaman, M. Solum, and M. Sutton

The Inter-Regional Integrated Services (IRIS) Database is being designed to serve as the foundation for information storage throughout the National Weather Service (NWS). IRIS will be a central collection and distribution point for many types of information used by NWS personnel, including information on contacts, requirements, outreach, weather events and products, verification, and geospatial information. Using existing technologies, it is revolutionary in that it replaces a multitude of programs, databases, and data formats with a single structure and location where this information is stored. This standardization will then easily facilitate sharing of information between programs and offices as well as between offices and regional or national headquarters, improving data flow, especially during service backup situations. Planned functionality will improve situational awareness of forecasters and management by including enhanced mapping capabilities to increase the accuracy of event reports, preliminary verification, simple product generation in multiple formats, and a greatly increased customer service interface from which forecasters can easily determine if forecast weather will have an impact on particular NWS stakeholders. This project is the result of a synergy of efforts between many different people at different levels and locations within the organization, and will create benefits for the NWS, the weather enterprise, and the general public.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (72K)

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Session 5A, GIS Applications
Tuesday, 22 January 2008, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, 206

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