89th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

Monday, 12 January 2009: 10:45 AM
Summary of IOOS Workshop on Ocean Modeling and Analysis
Room 126A (Phoenix Convention Center)
Christopher N. K. Mooers, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL
In July 2008, the IOOS Modeling and Analysis (Ocean Prediction) Workshop, as facilitated by Ocean.US, brought together over 50 persons from the ocean modeling research and operational prediction communities of the academic, industry, and governmental sectors, and from several disciplines, to consider the status and plans for IOOS-related ocean prediction, and to seek common interests. The workshop was co-sponsored by MAST (IOOS Modeling and Analysis Steering Team formed by Ocean.US), OOI (Ocean Observing Initiative, NSF's contribution to IOOS), and NFRA (National Federation of Regional Associations, a component of IOOS). Remakable progress has been achieved on all levels in recent years. However, much is yet to be done to establish a robust operational ocean prediction system for the Nation. Here, the principal results of this workshop are summarized, especially the opportunities for partnership approaches engaging national and regional, and research and operational, components.

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