16th Conference on Air Pollution Meteorology
12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry

Joint Session 4

 The Effects of Meteorology on Air Quality I (Joint between the 16th Conference on Air Pollution Meteorology and the 12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry)
 Chair: John N. McHenry, Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, LLC, Raleigh, NC
1:30 PMJ4.1Improved air quality simulations through the use of GOES-derived cloud data for the TexAQS-II intensive study period  
Fong Ngan, NOAA/ARL, Silver Spring, MD; and D. W. Byun, B. Rappenglueck, and A. Pour Biazar
1:45 PMJ4.2Assessment of PM transport patterns using advanced clustering methods and simulations around the San Francisco Bay Area, CA  extended abstract
Scott Beaver, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, San Francisco, CA; and A. Palazoglu, A. Singh, and S. Tanrikulu
2:00 PMJ4.3Application of Positive Matrix Factorization for atmospheric aerosols sources identification in Sao Paulo city  extended abstract
Beatriz Sayuri Oyama, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and M. D. F. Andrade
2:15 PMJ4.4Sensitivity of air parcel movements near abundant emission areas to the background ozone level in the subtropical northwestern Pacific  
Chung-Ming Liu, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan; and C. E. Peng and M. T. Yeh

Monday, 18 January 2010: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, B309

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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