In 1999, the first WxMAP system was a Government Technology Leadership Award winner along with the AWIPS system of the National Weather Service. Although the WxMAP concept is well established, the underlying technology was a kludge of shell, perl, and GrADS ( scripts and FORTRAN code, and the web was generated directly in html.
In 1997 I started the transition of the WxMAP system to python for python's cleaner syntax and maintainability; however, python was still used as procedural language in the same way as the original perl/grads/shell code. Last year I began the time-consuming task of reengineered the entire system, consisting of 1000s of scripts, written over 15 years, into python classes -- to take advantage of the python's object-oriented program (OOP) features and python interfaces to GrADS ( and other scientific packages including matplotlib and numpy/scipy.
In addition to the WxMAP2 model analysis and display applications, I also moved 30 years of tropical cyclone (TC) applications into the WxMAP2 python base for a unified system for handling both model and TC data. The paper will review the WxMAP2 python classes and demonstrate the benefit of OOP in an application that diagnoses the large-scale environmental factor the affect TC intensity.
WxMAP2 is now an open source project available at at