92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (January 22-26, 2012)

Monday, 23 January 2012: 11:00 AM
Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling in Coastal Urban Environments
Room 337 (New Orleans Convention Center )
William T. Thompson, NRL, Monterey, CA; and T. Holt

Poster PDF (3.5 MB)

In this presentation, we discuss an evolving synergism between a mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) model and an emergency response model. We utilize the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) COAMPSŪ mesoscale NWP model and the CT-AnalystŪ emergency response model, also developed at NRL. COAMPS is a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model with multiple nests and a full suite of physical parameterization schemes including a multi-level urban canopy parameterization. In the present study, we use 5 nests with horizontal resolutions of 27-9-3-1-0.333 km. CT-Analyst is designed to provide first responders with information on plume characteristics and hazard envelopes in the event of an accidental or intentional release of hazardous material into the atmosphere. Typically CT-Analyst employs wind fields which do not change from one location to another and have a prescribed vertical variation. COAMPS can provide realistic three-dimensional meteorological fields to CT-Analyst, thereby improving the reliability of plume nowcasts.

The linked COAMPS/CT-Analyst system has been used in support of the presidential inauguration in January 2009 and for the DHS-sponsored Golden Phoenix Experiment in Los Angeles, California (2010).

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