819 Collaborative Initiatives between NOAA National Weather Service and the US Army Corps of Engineers

Thursday, 10 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Michelle D. Hawkins, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and D. Caldwell, J. C. Dalton, D. Green, T. Pierce, C. B. Chesnutt, and D. Larson-Salvatore

NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) are exploring weather, water, and climate linkages that impact decision-making across time scales ranging from short-term weather events, through extended weather and shorter-term climate periods, into long-term climate timeframes. This temporal scale is defined as the climate-weather continuum. Addressing the weather-water-climate linkages along this continuum is imperative to advance the consideration of multiple spatial and temporal scales in current management, and future decision-making. Essential to this is improved integration across federal, state, tribal, and local programs; and rethinking today's technologies, and analytical frameworks in light of the complications emerging with regard to decisions along the climate-weather continuum. This multidisciplinary approach supports NWS Weather Ready Nation (WRN) efforts to provide integrated decision support services, and will provide context for what it means to be weather-ready within the water resource management sector. Continued NWS and USACE collaborations will define emerging service and science approaches that will demonstrate WRN efficiencies, and leverage mutual infrastructures, assets and expertise of both agencies to reach outcomes. This presentation will provide an overview of topics the agencies are working together to address such as risk informed decision making for weather and water operations, optimizing water resources management in regulated river systems, and vulnerability of coastal structures.
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