Lots of Ways To Really LEARN About Weather

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Monday, 3 February 2014
Hall C3 (The Georgia World Congress Center )
H. Michael Mogil, CCM, CBM Mogil, How The Weatherworks, Naples, FL; and K. F. Dewey and M. Bolton

Meteorological outreach is most likely undertaken by nearly every meteorologist in this country (and the world). Sometimes it is to address safety concerns; at other times, it is because the public is hungry to LEARN about their natural world because of personal or newsworthy experiences.

We also recognize how much weather outreach is done by the National Weather Service, The Weather Channel, other TV meteorologists, online bloggers, writers and others with media related outreach. Learning about weather also occurs at those universities that offer degrees in meteorology (or related sciences) and other universities offer undergraduate survey classes about meteorology.

This paper, however, will focus on other, more subtle, ways of effecting true LEARNING about the weather. Yes, there is a significant distinction between “learning” and “education.”

Our focus areas include, but may not be limited to:

(1) Text and trade books about weather.

(2) Public and other programs about weather [local – hurricane awareness expos, weatherfests, local science programs at schools, libraries and homeschool programs]; national - AAAS, AMS traveling weatherfests, science days [such as Science and Engineering Expo)].

(3) Weather camps and related experiences (e.g., student and teacher treks locally and at key learning locations nationally). The latter includes prototype tailored/guided treks through AZ, the Outer Banks of North Carolina and other places.

(4) Internships, mentorships, AMS conference attendance opportunities for future meteorologists (and future learning facilitators).