57 "New Climate" Warmed, "New Atmospheric Circulation" and "Extreme" Meteorological Phenomena

Monday, 23 January 2017
Mohammed-Said Karrouk, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco

Cumulating ocean-atmospheric thermal energy caused by global warming has resulted in the reversal of the energy balance towards the poles. This situation is characterized by a new ocean-continental thermal distribution: over the ocean, the balance is more in excess than in the mainland, if not the opposite when the balance is negative inland.

Thanks to satellite observation and daily monitoring of meteorological conditions for more than ten years, we have observed that the positive balance has shifted more towards the poles, mainly in the northern hemisphere. Subtropical anticyclones are strengthened and have extended to high latitudes, especially over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This situation creates global peaks strengthened in winter periods, and imposes on cosmic cold the deep advection toward the south under the form of planetary valleys "Polar Vortex".

This situation imposes on the jet stream a pronounced ripple and installs a meridional atmospheric circulation in winter, which brings the warm tropical air masses to reach the Arctic Circle, and cold polar air masses to reach North Africa and Florida.

This situation creates unusual atmospheric events, characterized by hydrothermal "extreme" conditions: excessive heat at high latitudes, accompanied by heavy rains and floods, as well as cold at low latitudes and the appearance of snow in the Sahara!

The populations are profoundly influenced by the new phenomena. The socioeconomic infrastructures can no longer assume their basic functions and man when unprotected is weak and hence the advanced vulnerability of all the regions especially those belonging to poor and developing countries

This is why climate sciences must deal nowadays with short term prediction of phenomena: weekly, monthly, or seasonly a bit more advanced than meteorology (72 hours) but less advanced than climate models (50-100 years) to allow the policy makers enough time to intervene efficiently in order to protect the populations from extreme meteorological phenomena and to benefit from the opportunities of the new meteorological conditions

These are the characteristics of "New Meteorological Events" resulting from the "New Atmospheric Circulation", caused by the "New planetary Climate" consequence of "Global Warming".

It is the new global challenge.

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