739 Support to the Satellite Needs Working Group

Tuesday, 24 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Robert Reining, NOAA/NESDIS/TPIO, Silver Spring, MD; and M. LaJoie, V. Ries, J. D. Taylor, and M. Yuen-Murphy

NOAA/NESDIS is supporting a White House initiative to better define and coordinate needs for future civil earth-observing satellite missions. This effort is intended to avoid unnecessary redundancy and reduce gaps between needs and capabilities as NASA and other agencies formulate budget proposals.   NOAA's effort leveraged years of work to identify and validate NOAA user observation requirements, and to understand the linkages between observing capabilities and NOAA high-impact products and services (NOAA Observing System Integrated Analysis).  NOAA has submitted candidate needs to SNWG for NASA continuity and gap-filling missions, and is engaged in the review and formulation phase of the SNWG process.
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