1388 Application of a Geomorphic Dust Source Parameterization in the Weather Research and Forecasting-Chemistry Model

Wednesday, 25 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Sandra L. LeGrand, US Army, Hanover, NH; and S. E. Peckham

Dust schemes generally adjust entrainment rates for hydrological, land cover, and atmospheric conditions but commonly rely on preferential source region parameterizations to incorporate soil-binding processes not explicitly accounted for in the model. In this presentation we demonstrate a technique for characterizing the initial “looseness” or erodibility of arid region soils using links between landscape geomorphology and dust emission potential. Examples of simulated dust entrainment and aerosol optical depth generated via the Weather Research and Forecasting-Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model using our geomorphic erodibility method are provided.
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