TJ5.5 Impact Assessment of Geostationary Microwave Sounders on NOAA Global NWP System Through Global Observational System Simulation Experiment (OSSE)

Tuesday, 24 January 2017: 9:30 AM
607 (Washington State Convention Center )
Narges Shahroudi, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park, MD; and Y. Zhou, I. Moradi, K. Ide, and S. A. Boukabara

The microwave sounders on geostationary orbit will have the capability to study rapidly evolving high-impact weather that is not adequately observed with current satellite systems. The microwave sounders data for five geostationary satellites with the center longitudes of 0°, 60°, 140°, 225°, and 285° were simulated from the GEOS-5 Nature Run (G5NR).   These observations were then assimilated into the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) 3D Hybrid Ensemble-Var. The geostationary microwave (geo-mw) observations were assimilated on top of a control experiment (all operational observations) and a data-gap scenario with no early-afternoon orbiting satellites (2Polar). An overview of the simulation, validation, and assimilation of the geo-mw data and their impacts on GDAS and global weather forecast (GFS) will be presented.
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