S9 Satellite based global scale modeling of variability and reemergence of coastal vibrio

Sunday, 22 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
Md Rakibul Hassan Khan, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV; and A. Jutla

Several coastal regions have documented presence of several vibrios, however, V. Cholerae has characteristic climatic signatures and associated with significant human health impacts. But what is the extent and spatial variability of risks of vibrio growth along the coast in the world and how this spatial pattern shows variability to lead reemergence of vibrios at new locations, thus threatening more human populations? To sightsee the questions, we have developed a multi sensor based niche model for vibrios using sea surface temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, and bathymetry data along coastal regions. The research explores the ensemble probability distribution of vibrio growth risk in coastal water using three algorithms e.g. bioclim, random forest and support vector regression. The model was calibrated on a global scale first based on previously reported coastal occurrences and then simulated along the coast of entire globe. The outcome vibrio growth risk map will enable both general public and health profession to be aware of the suitable habitat of vibrio species along the coast to reduce disease burden and support sustainable long term approach of advance preparedness of the coastal communities.
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