856 Comparisons of Solid-State C-Band vs. Klystron S-Band Weather Radar Observations over the Southeastern United States

Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Exhibit Hall 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Richard Stedronsky, Enterprise Electronics Corporation, Enterprise, AL; and Q. Cao

Enterprise Electronics Corporation (EEC) recently launched a new, fully-solid-state C-Band Doppler weather radar system. Branded Endurance C, this next generation of weather radar systems is powered by lower powered solid-state C-Band amplifiers versus legacy magnetron or klystron tubes. Endurance C systems provide for ultra-wideband performance and low life-cycle costs thanks to advanced solid-state power amplifiers operating in the widest C-Band frequency range available. EEC recently tested the performance of their Endurance C systems, utilizing pulse compression technologies, against a nearby S-Band NEXRAD radar and found many positive results, further justifying solid-state transmitter and pulse-compression technologies as a viable, operational solution for weather radar users around the globe.
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