1.3 The WindForS Complex Terrain Wind Energy Test Site in Southern Germany

Monday, 8 January 2018: 12:00 AM
Room 15 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Andrew Clifton, WindForS Wind Energy Research Cluster, Stuttgart, Germany

As wind turbines become ever more complex and refined sources of electricity, it is is becoming increasingly important to carry out research as part of the entire energy system. This requires specialist facilities that are designed for research activities and replicate real operating conditions as far as possible. This presentation describes the background to a new research facility in complex terrain in Southern Germany, where two modern wind turbines will be errected and used to test current and new technologies. Data from the wind turbines and the meteorological towers on site will be made public together with information about the turbine structure. The WindForS test site will serve as a research platform for wind energy in complex terrain and will be open to collaborators. Opportunities for collaboration will be a major theme of this presentation.
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