3.6 Filling the Data, Visualization, and Analytics Skills Gap for New College Entrants

Monday, 8 January 2018: 3:30 PM
Ballroom C (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Mark Hyer, Earth Networks, Germantown, MD

Data analysis skills are essential to remain competitive in today’s job market. As the demand for this expertise continues to grow, how can teachers prepare students with the foundations to compete in this new era of big data?

Learn more about how analytical, statistical, visual, API, and coding tools can advance science and engineering practices in the classroom. With such tools, students are introduced to big data derived from weather observations collected from around the globe and in their own backyard. Explore how students can use real-time weather data and numerical forecasting tools to discover new patterns, generate unique research reports and build predictive models. Now students have an opportunity to develop workforce-ready skills in technology like big data analysis and manipulation.

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