Institute for Defense Analyses/Science and Technology Policy Institute"> Abstract: A Policy Framework to Enhance National Space Weather Resilience (98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting) Institute for Defense Analyses/Science and Technology Policy Institute">

5.7 A Policy Framework to Enhance National Space Weather Resilience

Tuesday, 9 January 2018: 3:00 PM
Salon J (Hilton) (Austin, Texas)
Seth Jonas, Institute for Defense Analyses/Science and Technology Policy Institute, Washington, DC; and B. Caldwell

Space weather has the potential to adversely impact critical technology, infrastructure, and assets that contribute to the national security, economic vitality, and societal well-being of the United States. Given society’s increasing reliance on these critical technologies, the Federal government has sought to coordinate efforts to prepare the Nation for space weather events and to develop and implement policies to enhance resilience to space weather events. This presentation seeks to establish a policy framework for space weather resilience. This presentation (1) defines and discusses the purpose and need for resilience policies, (2) outlines and defines key components of a space weather resilience framework, (3) highlights recent U.S. government space weather policies and activities in the context of this framework, and (4) presents considerations for future efforts to improve the Nation’s resilience to and preparedness for space weather events.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
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