3.2 Importance of Weather Forecasting for Climate-Smart Agriculture

Monday, 8 January 2018: 2:30 PM
Room 3 (ACC) (Austin, Texas)
Kirit Shelat, National Council for Climate Change, Ahmedabad, India

Agriculture is one of those prime sectors that impacted heavily due to Climate Change. India is a large country with diverse climate, seasons, crops and farming systems. Rainfall, temperature and radiation are having direct impact on agriculture systems and productivity. Wet and dry spells as well as extreme events causes enormous impacts on the agriculture sector.

It finds that even at just 10C of warming, a negative impact for major crops like wheat, rice and corn would be seen. For India and China, the prediction is that the stress on staple wheat crop would increase negatively, affecting the overall food security of the continent.

Despite change in climate and its adverse impact on crops/animals, income to farmers should not decrease. It is essential to provide opportunities to farmers to have multiple source of income from agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries- milch cattle and poultry. So when one fails, other supports. All this can be achieved through Climate Smart Agriculture.

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