359956 Mark Bove

Thursday, 28 March 2019: 9:15 AM
Auditorium (AAAS Building)
Mark Bove, Munich Reinsurance, Princeton, NJ

Mr. Mark Bove is a meteorologist & Natural Catastrophe Solutions Manager in the Reinsurance Division of Munich Reinsurance America. His responsibilities include evaluating commercially available catastrophe risk models & tools, providing technical expertise on underwriting property catastrophe risk and exposure accumulation issues, and the development of new property catastrophe insurance products.

Mr. Bove has been using his geoscience expertise to improve property catastrophe underwriting at Munich Reinsurance America, Inc., for almost 20 years. Before joining the Munich Re Group in July 2000, Mark was a graduate research assistant at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, where he conducted research on short-term climate variations and probabilistic modeling of extreme weather events. Research highlights include studies of ENSO’s influence on Atlantic hurricane landfall frequencies and tornadic activity patterns in the United States. Mark’s research made national headlines on several occasions and he was the 1998 recipient of the Father James B. Macelwane award for outstanding undergraduate research by the American Meteorological Society.

Mark holds Masters and Bachelors degrees in Meteorology from Florida State University and has earned the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and Associate in Reinsurance (ARe) professional designations.

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