Detailing Single Building Stability and Air Flow Patterns (Phase II)

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Tuesday, 31 January 2006: 2:15 PM
Detailing Single Building Stability and Air Flow Patterns (Phase II)
A316 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Gail-Tirrell Vaucher, Army Research Laboratory, WSMR, NM; and R. Cionco, M. Bustillos, S. D'Arcy, and R. Dumais

Presentation PDF (110.0 kB)

Detailing the stability and airflow character around a single building was the objective for the 2005 Army Research Laboratory [ARL] Phase II-Urban Study: Flow and Stability around a Single Building. The Study's design was based on Snyder and Lawson's 1994 wind tunnel study, as well as, the 2003 ARL Phase I-Urban Study (a mean parameter characterization). Mean and turbulence measurements were acquired over a 2 week period using four 10m towers located along the North, East, South and West building sides, a 5m Roof tower and 3 Tripods. To minimize the heating/cooling bias, the equinox time period was selected for both field study executions.

Preliminary results reaffirmed the presence of a bi-level accelerated flow, a velocity deficit, and a cavity flow. They also quantitatively demonstrated the location of the reattachment zone and two building leeside side eddies. Stability results portrayed a mini-heat island effect, as well as, a traditional desert rural diurnal pattern. At the time of this writing, the data analysis was still in progress. The results congealed by the time of the paper submission will be included. Possible future investigations, such as the release of environmentally safe smoke to trace a possible hazardous chemical flow, will conclude the paper.