Summer haze hazard

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
Sunday, 29 January 2006
Summer haze hazard
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Lisa Mozer, Fernback Science Center, Atlanta, GA

Afternoon hourly weather observations are employed to compare visibility values with detected haze. The results are a weak correlation (using a regression model), however a more intersting element is how haze in a daylight enviroment differs from that of a night time enviroment. For the general aviation community observing VFR weather conditions, haze at times is overlooked as a hazard. Pilots and forecasters agree that particulate matter restricts visibilty in the low levels of the atmosphere, however not all agree on how the information is translated from weather data to the cockpit. There are human factors that may allow the hazard of haze to be easily minimized.