Continuous Observation of Globe Temperature and Simultaneous Observation by WBGT101

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Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Continuous Observation of Globe Temperature and Simultaneous Observation by WBGT101
Exhibit Hall A2 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Michihiko Tonouchi, Japan Meteorological Business Support Center, Tokyo, Japan; and K. Murayama, H. Maruyama, and H. Suzuki

Heat Stroke caused by hot and humid condition comes to an issue in Japan. WBGT(Wet-bulb Globe Temperature: Yaglou and Minard, 1957) is a standard index to set down the rule for workers or athletes, but it's difficult and annoying to measure WBGT continuously. In order to calculate WBGT, we have to observe dry-bulb temperature, humidity and globe temperature simultaneously. From June to September in 2005 summer we construct a continuous observation system for globe bulb temperature and observe one minute interval data. The maximum temperature was 58.4 degree Celsius and the difference between a dry-bulb temperature and a globe temperature was exceeded to 23.1 degree Celsius. And for an observation network in near future, we tried simultaneous observation in 8 cities by WBGT-101 (Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co. Ltd.) with medical researchers, and we could get simultaneously WBGT data covered Japan.