The Space Public Outreach Team: A model for K-12 public outreach in Montana

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Monday, 30 January 2006: 4:45 PM
The Space Public Outreach Team: A model for K-12 public outreach in Montana
A402 (Georgia World Congress Center)
Henry D. Winter III, Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT; and D. E. McKenzie

The Space Public Outreach Team (SPOT) program at Montana State University (MSU) is currently a major component of the Solar Dynamics Observatory's, and the Space Science Engineering Laboratory's Education and Public Outreach efforts. This program, under the management of Montana Space Grant Consortium since 1996, is a proven way to bring the excitement of NASA space science investigations to primary and secondary schools, while simultaneously involving university students in E/PO. The program is remarkably cost-effective, useful as a service-learning device, and extremely popular. We will outline the mechanisms of the SPOT program, including the involvement of a diverse group of undergraduates, and its recent expansion to reach more of Montana's students.