17th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence

Session 9

 PBL Parameterizations and Larger-Scale Modelling
 Chair: Joćo Teixeira, UCAR Visiting Scientist, NRL, Monterey, CA
3:30 PM9.1Are observed wind speeds too high?  
Diane Strassberg, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and M. A. LeMone and T. Warner
3:45 PM9.2How can we describe the entrainment processes in sheared convective boundary layers?: a large-eddy simulation and mixed-layer theory/model comparison study  extended abstract wrf recording
David Pino, Technical University of Catalonia, Castelldefels, Spain; and J. Vilą-Guerau de Arellano and S. W. Kim
4:00 PM9.3Tests of transilient versus flux-gradient turbulence parameterizations for the prediction of surface layer wind profiles  extended abstract wrf recording
Robert Conzemius, Windlogics, Inc., Grand Rapids, MN
4:15 PM9.4Parameterization of momentum fluxes and pressure terms in a PBL mass-flux model   wrf recording
Cara-Lyn Lappen, Colorado State University, Durango, CO; and D. A. Randall
4:30 PM9.5Behavior of WRF PBL schemes and land-surface models in 1D simulations during BAMEX  extended abstract wrf recording
Mariusz Pagowski, NOAA/GSD and CIRA, Colorado State University, Boulder, CO; and J. P. Hacker and D. Rostkier-Edelstein
4:45 PM9.6Cloud - SST feedback simulated from GCM and comparison with observations  
Sungsu Park, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and C. S. Bretherton

Thursday, 25 May 2006: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM, Kon Tiki Ballroom

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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