19th Conference on IIPS


Enhancement of GOES Satellite Imagery: Phase II

Edward G. Howard, NOAA/NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD; and R. G. Lyon and E. Kaymaz

In a previous reporting of our effort to enhance satellite imagery from GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite)at the 17th IIPS AMS meeting, we reported on spatial resolution improvement of 15% to 30% from our base of 1km. This was obtainable because the imager had approximately 50% overlap in ground/or cloud images and we used a simulation software of maximum entropy method. Now we have simplified the simulations, but proven that radiometric accuracy is maintained. We also explore the size of objects viewed in relation to our pixel sizes. Depending upon scene complexity and spatial frequencies in the scene, we can offer suggestions for future sensors in terms of detector size, object overlap, and object size and scan rates. In addition we present statistics on imagery to show the variation of radiometric accuracy in complex scenes. Our results may impact future sensors that plan to provide temperatures from space below 1 degree kelvin. We provide satellite imagery to show effects of our processing and simulation sizes. Methods to stabilize and push calibration limits of satellite images are useful for NOAA's and NASA's future systems. Finally, we discuss a test station to be set up at one of NOAA's forecast offices to further test the value of this enhanced imagery for select targets of strong meteorological interest such as the Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (100K)

Supplementary URL: http:///code935.gsfc.nasa.gov/cube%20Folder/OSCAR/index.html

Poster Session 1, 19th IIPS Poster Session
Monday, 10 February 2003, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM

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