12th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography

Creating a New Vision for NOAA's Observing Systems

Gregory Withee (Invited), NOAA/NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD

This keynote speech will present early results of exciting new NOAA-wide observing systems activities. In support of NOAA's environmental monitoring mission, NOAA has undertaken a major effort to re-engineer end-to end management of its observing systems. Critical components of this effort include establishing a comprehensive NOAA-wide requirements process and observing systems architecture. Satellites are just one of the major observing tools used to meet NOAA's overall mission of environmental monitoring and marine resource stewardship. These new efforts will enable NOAA to manage its observation system more efficiently and effectively and to better serve NOAA's diverse users. It will also facilitate NOAA's participation in national programs such as the National Climate Observing System and in the international observing system arena. While re-engineering NOAA's observing systems is a significant challenge, fewer efforts have greater potential to maximize return on investments for NOAA and the Nation.

Keynote Address
Monday, 10 February 2003, 9:15 AM-9:45 AM

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