Poster Session 1 |
| Poster Session: K-12, Popular and University Educational Initiatives |
| Organizers: Marianne C. Hayes, Pueblo del Sol Elementary School, Sierra Vista, AZ; Kathleen A. Murphy, Ladue School District, St. Louis, MO
| | P1.1 | Investigating Vegetation Changes in Relation to Altitude and Environmental Factors Along Oliver and Clear Creeks in the Cloud Peak Wilderness Area of the Big Horn Mountains Molly P. Steele, State College Area High School, State College, PA; and M. S. Guo, J. M. Vrentas, and J. Greenberg |
| | P1.2 | A Spatiotemporal Investigation of the Influences of Weather on the Hydrological Characteristics of a Montane Melt Water Environment David Gibbons, State College Area High School, State College, PA; and J. Harding, N. Hutcheon, K. Nousek, E. Pierce, and B. S. Sandmeyer-Swails |
| | P1.3 | The Surface Energy Budget of a Mountain Region David Gibbons, State College Area High School, State College, PA; and M. S. Guo, E. J. Myers, and K. Tawse |
| | P1.4 | The Influence of Meteorological and Geological Processes on the Formation, Development and Characteristics of Montane Lakes Amy Drysdale, Knox Academy, Haddington, United Kingdom; and H. Ross, L. Ross, M. Shepherd, L. Downsbrough, and T. Menotti |
| | P1.5 | AMS' Education Program—A Decade of Success Robert S. Weinbeck, State University of New York, College at Brockport, Brockport, NY; and I. W. Geer, D. R. Smith, J. M. Moran, E. J. Hopkins, E. W. Mills, and B. A. Blair |
| | P1.6 | Getting CERES about the weather Ann T. Kelly, Our Lady of Sorrows School, St. Louis, MO |
| | P1.7 | Incorportating Real-Time Data into the Classroom. The Digital GLOBE Project: Visualizing a Sustainable Future John D. Moore, Burlington County Institute of Technology, Medford, NJ |
| | P1.8 | A Chilling Educational Experience (Mt. Washington Winter Edu Trip) Robert P. Wanton, NOAA/NWS, Mt. Holly, NJ; and W. J. Dyke, W. R. Huskin, and W. G. Vosburgh |
| | P1.9 | NOAA's Teacher at Sea Dana Lee Tomlinson, Emory Elementary School, Chula Vista, CA |
| | P1.10 | Teaching Oceanography in a K–6 Classroom Linda J. Deal, Penn Manor School District, Lancaster, PA |
| | P1.11 | DataStreme: Weather from the AMS to the classroom Hector Ibarra, West Branch Middle School, Iowa City, IA; and W. Ray and J. Meyer |
| | P1.12 | Weather Education for Elementary and Middle School Teachers: Using AMS Education Materials as a Professional Development Tool Rene' T. Carson, Little Rock School District, Little Rock, AR |
| | P1.13 | A Follow-Up Study on National Weather Service K–12 Education and Outreach Programs Eleanor Vallier-Talbot, NOAA/NWSFO, Taunton, MA; and W. T. Babcock |
| | P1.14 | Earth2class: Template for Scientist-Teacher Interactions Michael J. Passow, Columbia Univ., New York, NY and White Plains Middle School and Teachers College, White Plains, NY; and C. M. Assumpco, C. Bandeirantes, and F. D. Baggio |
| | P1.15 | "Wandering The Watershed": Real-Life WES Experiences Michael J. Passow, White Plains Middle School and Teachers College, Columbia University, White Plains, NY; and C. Murphy and W. D. Blanchard |
| | P1.16 | Continuing WES in North Carolina Frankie C. Vann, Lakewood High School, Salemburg, NC |
| | P1.17 | Bridging the Pacific Ocean: Using Oceanography to Make Cultural Connections Beth A. Jewell, Fairfax County Public Schools, Springfield, VA |
| | P1.18 | The University of Northern Iowa takes weather education by STORM Claire Waites, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa; and C. Wolter |
| | P1.19 | The use of Live Event Learning to teach high school meteorology in the new millennium Craig R. Wolter, AMS/AERA and Windom Area High School, Windom, MN |
| | P1.20 | Techno-Meteorology: Educational Adventures in Cyberspace Faye McCollum, Project Atmosphere/AERA and Muscogee County School District, Columbus, GA |
| | P1.21 | Plans of Action: Enhancing Public Awareness of Meteorology Though Local Weather Education Resource Teachers Steve M. Carlson, AERA and Hermiston School District, Hermiston, OR |
| | P1.22 | An effort to "do science" rather than "teach about science" in the secondary school science classroom. Alan D. Sills, Panther Academy, Little Falls, NJ |
| | P1.23 | Wet and Wild: the Ocean Atmosphere Interface. The Maury Project and WES: Teacher Enhancement Programs for the K-12 Classroom Debra S. Brice, San Marcos Unified School District, San Marcos, CA |
| | P1.24 | Oceanography in the Middle Craig L. Croone, Northfield Middle School, Northfield, MN |
| | P1.25 | Retired K–12 Teachers as Active Agents for AMS Education Programs Lawrence E. Greenleaf, AMS/AERA, Belfast, ME |
| | P1.26 | Weathering the middle-school years: Using Web technology to make meteorology cool Diane K. Fisher, NASA/JPL, Pasadena, CA; and P. Everson and N. J. Leon |
| | P1.27 | Analysis of a 30-Year Haines Index Climatology for the United States Paul J. Croft, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and B. E. Potter |
| | P1.28 | Meteorology Education through Nature Centers Sue Ellen Haupt, Utah State University, Logan, UT; and J. J. Barta |
| | P1.29 | Partnering with Youth Groups on Meteorological and Environmental Education Issues Kenneth H. Kirkwood, MSC, Dartmouth, NS, Canada; and P. H. Whitfield |
| | P1.30 | Integrating GIS and Applied Meteorology Richard K. Snow, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL; and M. M. Snow |
| | P1.31 | Integrating GLOBE Student Data Observations at NCDC in Climate Monitoring Activities Thomas F. Ross, NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and S. R. Ansari and W. M. Faas |
| | P1.32 | Identifying students' alternate conceptions in meteorology John Yoder, West Chester University, West Chester, PA; and R. Pandya |
| | P1.33 | Involving students in authentic research through student-teacher-scientist partnerships Tamara Shapiro Ledley, TERC, Cambridge, MA; and N. Haddad, J. Lockwood, and D. Brooks |
| | P1.34 | Primary and Secondary Maximum of the number of Asthma Attacks on the Territory of the City of Bitola, Macedonia Blagojce Mickovski, WMO, Bitola, Macedonia |
| | P1.35 | Partnerships Help Save Lives Ron Gird, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and R. Lopes |
|  | P1.36 | EX-Files is a web-based, multi-media educational template Tim Barnes, UCAR, Boulder, CO |
| | P1.37 | Virtual Meteorology: AMS Online Weather Studies Aubrey Hartman, Tidewater Community College, Portsmouth, VA; and G. Fowler |
| | P1.38 | Meteorology in the US Virgin Islands David J. Smith, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands |
| | P1.39 | Introducing an Applied Meteorology Course at Prairie View A&M University Brian Cudnik, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX |
| | P1.40 | Implementing Online Weather Studies Course at an HBCU: Case of Fayetteville State University Adegoke Ademiluyi, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC; and R. Johnston |
| | P1.41 | The Phase-Wise Infusion of AMS Online Weather Studies Materials in Hybrid Science Courses at Paine College, Augusta, GA C. R. Nair, Paine College, Augusta, GA |
| | P1.42 | Breaking the Digital Divide with the AMS Online Meteorology Program Anthony L. Selimo, Passaic County Community College, Patterson, NJ |
| | P1.43 | An Analysis of Enrollment, Technology Access, Organization, and Cultural Components in an Online Weather Studies Course at the University of North Dakota Lloyd W. Mitchell, Univ. of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; and E. M. Klemisch |
| | P1.44 | AMS Online Weather Studies: Where Do I Begin? M. Carol Walker, Columbia Basin College, Pasco, WA |
| | P1.45 | Blackfeet Community College’s Air, Climate and Weather Patricia Atkins, Blackfeet Community College, Browning, MT; and R. Keim |
| | P1.47 | Online Weather Studies at California State University, Bakersfield Jorge Talamantes, California State University, Bakersfield, CA |
| | P1.49 | Teaching Aviation Students Weather Using Online Weather Studies Polly D. Steenhagen, Delaware State University, Dover, DE |
| | P1.50 | Scientific Principles Of Weather And Climate Valentina S. David, Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, FL |
| | P1.51 | Online Weather Studies in the Caribbean Louis Pérez, University of Puerto Rico, Cayey, Puerto Rico |
| | P1.52 | Online Weather Studies at the Southeast College Of HCCS Cheng Ting, Southeast College, Houston, TX; and T. Ting |
| | P1.53 | Online Weather Studies at Talladega College Charlie M. Stinson Jr., Talladega College, Talladega, AL |